The 10″ x 16″ Jaw Crusher is working great. We are very pleased with the rate at which it crushes and the reduction size achieved. The reduction size does help the Hammer Mill’s performance. The Jaw Crusher performs much better than Dusty imagined; it well out performs other we have worked with and around.

The hammer mills work better than all hammer mills we seen in operation. A Mexico hammer mill would have been a mistake, because of the lack of paying attention to the details. Jason did a good job concerning the details. We are crushing with the small 0.8 mm screen and we have a system that collects the oversize from the #3 bucket and from the tails. The #3 bucket is being reground with the hammer mill. We were worried about equipment noise, but the noise is no problem the Hammer Mills are very [quiet]. Much, much quieter than our old operation. We can run all night when we are ready. The hammer mill works better than other hammer mills we have work with and around.

The table is working great it was a great surprise to the men who had some questions as to our choice in a concentrator and processing system. After seeing it work they all congratulated me for the right choice. Arturo and Luis are both skilled in processing ore in Mexico, Arturo more than Luis. Both men we very surprised at how well the table worked. Arturo developed a very big smile on this face when he saw the lines on the table and how the heavies were moving to the top line (#1 line). The first ore that we are processing is very rich in copper sulfides and gold. When we rerun the #2 line to the table most of the #2 goes to the #1 bucket and number #3 bucket (producing a cleaner product in the #1 and getting rid of the waste in the #3). Processing water was a concern of ours, however we have a water recirculation system that is working well.

I was impressed with Jason the first time I saw some of his videos and after the equipment has been started up I am still impressed and now so is our team. Clearly the combination with the tables is much better than centrifuges. The equipment is doing its job.

- Sandy (US Gold Miner in Mexico)